If you are any sort of a book person (or just don't live under a rock) you have probably heard people talk about Fifty Shades of Grey. Go ahead and read it, but let me warn you...the writing is terrible. I'm pretty sure that I could have written a less contrite version of this book. Also, I guess you could consider it 'mommy porn', but I really didn't find it all that scandalous. However, that could be because I've had some pretty diverse lovers who are into BDSM so maybe it just isn't that out there for me. This book is part of a trilogy, but I haven't read the other two (yet).
If you are looking for something erotic to keep your summer hot then you might want to give these other books a try: The Sleeping Beauty Series by Anne Rice, The Story of O by Anne Desclos and I've just purchased The Safety of Unknown Cities by Lucy Taylor.
Here are some other summer reading suggestions for those of you who want to keep it clean:
Sacre Blue by Christoper Moore - He is one of my favorite authors and this one takes you to and a mystery surrounding Van Gogh's death. If you haven't read Lamb yet please do. It's my favorite book by him. If you like snark and satire then you will love Christoper Moore
I just started reading Soulless by Gail Carriger. This is the first book in the Parasol Protectorate Series and I can really see myself getting into these books. It's set in Victorian London and the main character is worthy of a delicious British mystery series. The only difference is that this is a paranormal type mystery. You know I love me some vamps and werewolves and this has not disappointed thus far.
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. I actually haven't read anything by Flynn yet, but I keep meaning to. She writes twisted murder/suspense books and this one has been flying off the shelves at my store.
Wild by Cherly Strayed. This is Oprah's new book club pick, but don't let that turn you away. Strayed hiked the Pacific Rim trail by herself and this is her memoir of that hike. A really good adventure/finding yourself read. I think people who liked Eat, Pray Love will like this book.
And then there are these books which are follow ups to books I love (and, oddly, a lot of them are part of a trilogy)
Insurgent by Veronica Roth (follow up to Divergent). I can't wait to read about what happens to Tris Prior in a dystopian Chicago.
Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness (follow up to A Discovery of Witches). Witches and vamps...oh my!
The Twelve by Justin Cronin (follow up to The Passage). Post apocalyptic vampire tale continues.
Serpents Kiss by Melissa de la Cruz (follow up to Witches of East End). Do you sense my theme of witches and the supernatural?