Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Random Fall Rant

It's windy here - really windy, but I guess that's to be expected. Everyone is talking about the wind like it's some sort of major event. Don't we have anything better to talk about? Isn't weather conversation just polite filler? Warm weather at the end of October just makes me restless (and slightly grumpy). I'm a huge fan of Fall. I just wish it would arrive earlier and stick around a little later. Fall always brings a certain promise of something. That fall breeze awakens something in me. Good things happen in the Fall. It was almost a year ago that I started (finally) to date. It was also last Fall when I started this blog. So what will this Fall bring for me?

I've already tried to put some things in motion. I've finally found my voice when it comes to my needs in a friendship. I've spoken out and stood up for myself. It only took me 31 year... It's a weird feeling, but I think I like it. However, I do hope some of my truer friends will call me out if I get too cocky:) I'm also attempting a new 'eating plan'. I promise you it's not a diet, but more on that in another blog. I've also tossed around the idea of joining the fancy athletic club right across the street from me. I figure it's Fall, anything is possible (even exercise).


  1. Looking forward to your new changes. Life is constantly evolving. As long as you're true to yourself, that's what matters. xoxo, M

  2. I can't wait to read about your eating plan. I hope it includes those yummy sandwiches from Wilde...
