Friday, November 5, 2010

This is NOT a Diet

A few weeks ago I picked up a copy of Eat Right For Your Type, which is a book that talks about what foods are best for each blood type. Turns out I'm a type O, which is the oldest and rarest blood type out there. I think that's pretty cool -I like being rare. You'll be shocked to find out that I'm not one for diets or healthy eating. I prefer to keep my girlish figure by feeding it lots of carbs, cheese and booze. When I started reading the book I thought it was going to ask me to give up everything I love and eat only carrot sticks. Turns out that the Type O diet is based on prehistoric man who used to eat a lot of protein (eggs, meat, seafood, nuts). I was in luck.

Now, there are certain things that I should 'avoid' as Type O. Milk, beans and grains being some of the big ones. Apparently they fuck up my digestive track and make me fat. I've spent the last week trying to get more of the beneficial foods into my meals. This meant experimenting with kale and collard greens. leafy vegetables are NOT delicious. I had to trick myself and eat a bite with my meat because I found them so unsavory. I think I'm going to have to treat myself like a 3 year old and sneak these veggies into my meals. Luckily I like spinach and broccoli.

I've certainly strayed a bit this past week (maybe a few drinking binges and some fried food). However, overall I'm quite proud of myself and the healthy meals I've cooked. I've even brought my lunch to work. My consumption of the bad things is down and I'm eating more fruits and veg than ever before. Sadly I'm not hitting the required 3-4 servings a day. Have you tried to eat 4 servings of vegetables each day? It's hard. I've also noticed that my body is not hating me as much. There a little less need for Imodium these days which is something i've needed a lot since I removed my gallbladder.

So does this mean I'm on a diet? Fuck no. I assure you that when you go out to eat with me I will not be ordering the most sensible thing on the menu. This just means that I'm going to make healthier choices when I'm in control of what is one my plate. Yes, Chipotle and I will still have our special relationship and I will NEVER give up cheese, but maybe I'll actually start treating my body better and see where that gets me. Couldn't hurt right?

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