Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mad Girl Gets a Case of the Raging Hormones

What is it about turning 30 that put my sex drive into hyper speed? I seriously feel like a 16 year old boy with raging hormones. Sex seems to be on my mind way too often as of late. I used to be so pragmatic and logical about dating and now I am mostly thinking with my who-ha. In fact, I'm pretty sure it has started making some decisions for me and that really isn't a bad thing. I do believe that it just got fed up with it's lack of exposure to men and decided to take things into its own hands - so to speak.

The reason I bring up this point is because I recently received an e-mail from Aquaman (please refer to my Dating Aquaman post). Aquaman dropped off the face of the earth for about 6 weeks and then we exchanged a few e-mails and then I don't hear from him again for about 2 months until last night.

I'm sure most sane girls would just delete and move on, but I really wouldn't mind hooking up with him again and clearly he's in the market for a booty call as well. Is this wrong of me to be thinking like this? Am I just being too moral? It's okay for men to have casual hook-ups with the the stigma, but is it now okay for women to do the same? More importantly, can I pull this off without getting emotionally attached? I mean the sex wasn't bad and he does live at the end of my block. I'm also sort of curious as to why he would try and contact me again. If I do start seeing him again does he become Bachelor #3 or the Bachelor Formerly Known at Aquaman?

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