Friday, June 3, 2011

Bachelor #17

Finally! A really good first date. I actually wasn't too excited about the date with Bachelor #17 because I've been in a dating funk. I think that my crush on B10 and and desire to make him my boyfriend has gotten in the way of my dating other guys. I had exchanged a few e-mails with B17, but nothing that really wowed me. We decided to meet at the Duke of Perth which is always good for a first date because it's close and I don't feel I'm going out of my way to be disappointed by the date (please refer to Bachelor #16). (I also have to add that I had spent the previous night at B10's watching episodes of Louis C.K. and having my brains fucked out at various points in the night. Needless to say I was a little tired.)

So, I made my way to Duke of Perth and was not at all into the idea of going on a date. I really just wanted to go home and put my pjs on and watch TV. I got there a few minutes early and B17 was 7 minutes late. I was going to give him 5 more minutes and then head home. B17 showed up and apologized for being late stating that he forgot the name of the place and almost went into a bar across the street. I was willing to overlook that because he did seem genuine.

B17 was way cuter in real life then in his pictures. He's 40, but looks like he's in his early 30's. He has dazzling blue eyes and is really good looking in that dashing gay man sort of way. Why do I always find myself on dates with guys who seem to be a little gay? He was wearing a tight black button down shirt that also struck me as something a gay man would wear to Sidetracks, but I was willing to overlook all of this because I do believe my gay-dar is broken these days and it turns out that these type of men are usually good in bed (ie. Bachelor #6)

We started talking and I instantly realized that this was going to be a really decent date. There weren't any awkward moments and I found that i was quite comfortable with him. What was even cooler is that he also seemed into me! I still don't quite understand it when a guy is into me, but he actually told me that he was having a really good time. He even asked to kiss me mid date. This gave me some flashbacks to my first date with B12 (remember beer, bacon and sex?). Mid first date kisses are always the best. However, I was a little hesitant to like this guy and tried really hard to play it cool.

Anyway, B17 made it to a 4 beer date on a school night which I informed him was a very good sign. He even went so far as to secure the second date. I really think that if I said I wanted to see him the next night he would have agreed to that. At the end of night he walked me home and tried to pull me down a dark alley to make out. However, I stood my ground and resisted. I was very proud of myself because six months ago I was would have easily dragged him home and slept with him. So, we get to my apartment and he says he has to use the restroom (yeah right). I let him come up, but have already decided that there will not be any funny business.

He came up to my apartment and looked around...he did try to lead me towards an indiscretion in the bedroom, but I pulled away. We had a very nice make out session by my hallway entrance where I somehow became braless, but I pulled away and kicked him out. How's that for self control?

B17 certainly has potential, but I'm trying really hard to not get excited about him because I've been let down too often in the past. I am going to try and wait until we make it past three dates before I really start liking him. Now the question I sleep with him on date 2 or wait a bit longer?

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