Friday, February 11, 2011

Mad Girl lives next door to a Eurotrash bitch

Well I was going to post about my date with Bachelor #14, but I think I have something a little more interesting to talk about. Bachelor #10 is laying in my bed as I write this. I was supposed to hang out with Bachelor #12 tonight, but he's sick and canceled. Luckily B10 was willing to come over and keep me company. We had lovely evening of Philly Cheese steaks and watching Man vs Food. So around 10 we end up in the bedroom having sex. We are really getting into things and all of a sudden I hear my neighbor scream: 'I can hear you' followed by some laughing and I think some said 'ride em cowboy'. What the Fuck! Talk about ruining the moment.

The more I think of this the more pissed off I get. I was having a really nice time (and no I wasn't that loud) and then she totally threw off my concentration. I listen to that piece of Euroslut trash bring guys home from the bars at 4am and I never once utter a peep about it. Sometimes it wakes me up on a work night, but I let them do their business. Who the fuck does she think she is? When you live in an apartment with thin walls you are bound to hear something. It's not like I am bringing someone home to fuck every night. I just feel that what she did was out of line, but what can I do about it? Maybe she's just jealous because she NEVER seems to have guys over who are willing to fuck her while sober. Grrrr.....

What's your opinion on this? If you heard your neighbor having sex would you feel the need to add you two cents? Should I go next door and tell her to mind her own business? I've lived next to her for years and have put up with her playing obnoxious music. Once she go to hooked on that song by James Blunt, "You Beautiful" that she would play it over and over when she woke up at 8am. It woke me up and annoyed me, but I didn't pound the wall and tell her to shut the fuck up. I dealt with it. Next time that bitch is having sex I'm going to blare some sort of Christian station and see how easy it is to orgasm then.


  1. Wow. What an obnoxious cunt. I honestly don't know what I would do in that situation? My first instinct is to retaliate, but then my second thought is what if she then retaliates and it escalates, so I don't know. Good luck with that shit...

  2. Use it as fodder for a good story, but let it go. She's stupid, and you don't want to feel so self conscious if this escalates.

    I still am a little embarrassed when I think of the email I received from the trenchcoat mafia dude below me in the dorms that one year. LOL!!!

  3. I totally forgot about the trenchcoat mafia incident! What do people expect when you live in dorms/apartments you hear things you'd rather not hear. Now I'm tempted to be even more dramatic in bed....
