Saturday, January 23, 2010

Avocado Cocktail

Think of this as the best margarita you’ll ever have. This came from my favorite book, Market Fresh Mixology. This book really changed the way I looked at cocktails. It uses a lot of fresh ingredients and flavor combinations that would never have imagined. This drink will not disappoint.

Savory Avocado Cocktail
· Avocado cut into 1 inch cubes
· 5 fresh tarragon leaves
· 1.5 oz fresh sour
· Juice of half pressed lime
· 1.5 oz tequila
· ½ oz triple sec

Muddle one cube of avocado with tarragon leaves, sour, and lime. Add tequila, triple sec and ice and shake well. Double strain into glass, using the strainer on the shaker while pouring contents through a sieve over the glass.

Garnish with tarragon sprig a rim with salt and sugar.

Fresh Sour (After you try this sour mix you will NEVER want any of that premade shit near one of your cocktails)
2 cups lemon juice (that’s about 10 lemons, but if I’m running low I top off with a little bottled lemon juice)
1 cup simple syrup (1/2 cup sugar and 1/2 cup boiling water –stir to dissolve sugar. I usually do the 1 cup to 1 cup ratio and store the extra in the fridge for future use. It will keep up to 2 weeks.)

A word about tequila: I had always been a Jose Cuevo fan, but my tequila experience was limited to shots with salt and lime (an often a night of vomiting). I went to Mexico a few years ago and visited the town of Tequila and have since changed my view of tequila. Tequila is meant to be sipped and when it’s 100% agave, that’s not a problem. Now, you can feel free to use tequila that isn’t 100% agave in this drink because that stuff is okay for mixing. However, I used really nice Anejo Tequila I brought back from Mexico. Anejo just means aged for over a year. This gives it the rich gold color. Just look for the label in your liquor store.

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