Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Zen and the Art of Pubic Hair Maintenance

It was a little over a year ago that I discovered the joy of the bikini wax. My close friends know I'm a huge advocate of getting your hoo-ha waxed. I probably talk about it more than I should ,but I truly believe that every woman should try this at least once. I recently found myself having a conversation with my mom about how she should go get waxed. This (and the fact that i moved my apointments from every 6 weeks to once a month) was the point when I realized that I may have a bit of an obsession. It all started with a cruise I went on. Before I traveled I decided I would give waxing a try. There was actually a place in my neighborhood (The Waxing House) that specialized in it. After my first round I was hooked. Everything was so clean and smooth -I could have never done that with some shaving cream and a razor. I felt better too - confident and sexier.

Most of you are probably wondering what getting a bikini wax involves. Well, let me take some the mystery out of it and give you a 'play by play' of my experience. If you are as lucky as I am you will find a clean and friendly place to go. I actually look forward to seeing my waxer and secretly want to make her my BFF. Anyway, you go into a room with a massage table like bed. You undress from waist down and put on this embarrassingly tiny panty which is just a band of elastic with some gauze attached. Then you lay down, cover your bits with a hand towel and wait for your waxer. The waxer will then have you position your legs (usually bending one up) and apply the wax - this part feels good. The next part is a little painful because this is where she rips the wax and your hair off. I won't lie, it hurts, but you do get used to it. After she waxing is done she will usually apply some tea tree oil and a cold compress to make the swelling go down. The whole process takes about 20 minutes and you feel like a new woman afterwards. I was told not to have sex or exercise for 24 hours (wish that either of those were an issue) because that could irritate the sensitive area.

So have I convinced you to try it? This is a great pick me up, regardless of who will be seeing your lady bits. Maybe it's time to do something for yourself because let's face it ladies, trimming the hedges is not a fun task. So why toil away in your yard when you can just hire a gardener!

1 comment:

  1. nice one. you really did it. congrats!

