Last night I was walking home from work. It was about 11pm and I ran into a group of boys who were trying to get directions from some drunk trixie sitting outside a bar. When they were unsuccessful they turned to me. I find people often ask me for directions. I must look like I know where I'm going. Anyway, it turns out that they were one leave from the Army and had asked a cabdriver to bring them to an all ages club. They had some people in their group where were not 21 and wanted to find somewhere they could all hang out. The cabdriver had dropped them in the middle of nowheresville, they didn't even know what neighborhood they were in and there certainly weren't any all ages clubs that i knew of.
I explained where they were and they said they wanted to find somewhere to hang out. I directed them towards a few hookah bars that I know about. They were super friendly and we chatted for a bit. They kept calling me miss, which I kind of liked. They also told me that I was the most helpful person they'd met so far. I really should work for the City of Chicago tourism office.
One of the guys then asked me if I wanted to join them, but I declined. I told them that I was about ten years older then they were and they seemed really surprised (I knew that using a moisturizer was going to pay off one day). I guided them up the street and then we parted ways. As I was finishing my walk home a group of young, drunk college students walked past and one guy stopped and told me I had a nice outfit and pretty eyes. Now, he was clearly drunk, but a I'll take a compliment when I get one. He then invited me to the bar with his friends. I declined.
That's twice in one night that I got invited out by men who were way younger than I am. I have set a minimum age for dating at 28, but I'm even uncomfortable with that number. I've always fancied myself ending up with an older man (45 is my cap). My mom and dad were 12 years apart and I thought I would just follow suit. However, maybe I am ruling out a whole group of men. I was looking at the negatives (inexperience, don't have their lives together, no solid job) and the fact that I didn't want to date anyone who was in my sister's peer group (she's 7 years younger). I never stopped to consider the positives. I could have someone to mold into an awesome boyfriend, teach him all the good habits and train him to be a dynamo in the bedroom. Also, younger guys are open to new experiences and not set in their ways yet. I also suspect that their libido and stamina would be a bonus. Hmmmm....perhaps I do need to consider becoming a puma.
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